Thursday, April 16, 2020

Didn't Date Much


I suppose that before Seniors got to write their own yearbook quotes, they were provided by other students and faculty.  Folks on the yearbook committee maybe?  The school newspaper?  I never knew how that worked.  Like who came up with “Most Likely to Succeed” or ”Will Cure Cancer” or “Best Sense of Humor” or “A Natural Leader”?


Like, did they pull that stuff out of the “Book of 1000 Memorable Yearbook Quotes” or something?  And some students ARE pretty remarkable and it’s easy to sum up their high school careers in 3 or 4 powerful, complimentary words.  But what about the rest of us?  How did they pick quotes for us?  What 3 or 4 words did we get?  I mean, were students asked to provide their own or did the committee just start reaching into a fishbowl of quotes and you got what you got?


Lucky for me, I guess, that I graduated before the “Committee for Inspiring Character Quotes” came into being because the sum of my high school days was obvious to all and would have been summed up in 3 words that wouldn’t have been “Totally awesome, Dude!”


I’m pretty sure my three words would have been “Didn’t Date Much”.


James A. Garfield High School – Class of 1967